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Vireak Neary Ly Changge


The year was 626 K.P. and the kingdom and its political center of Chang'an were shaken to its foundations by the Xuanwu Gate incident, a successful palace coup under the Tang Dynasty. The prince led a bloody coup and killed Li Chang Ge's family during the robbery, even though he escaped. Now the prince ascended the imperial throne and ruled as emperor Tai Zong. Li Chang Ge decided to take revenge - and relied on a powerful army trying to overthrow the new emperor. However, his plans were thwarted when he suffered an unexpected defeat against the armies of the East Turkish Kaganate. The victorious general, Ashile Sun, decided to keep him in his service and made him his military strategist when he wanted to pursue his own military goals. The pair formed an impressive military alliance. And over time, she finds herself trapped in her captivity - because she, too, is beginning to feel feelings for him.

complete/Completed episode/59-End quality/C-Drama badge/Dub